Overview of Examples


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 COM and CORBAŽ Side by Side

Overview of Examples

This page describes the organization of the source code that constitutes the examples used throughout the book. The source code is organized by chapter.
bulletOverview of Chapter 3 Examples
bulletOverview of Chapter 6 Examples
bulletOverview of Chapter 8 Examples
bulletOverview of Chapter 9 Examples
bulletOverview of Chapter 10 Examples
bulletOverview of Chapter 11 Examples
bulletOverview of Chapter 12 Examples


Chapter 3 Examples

Directory: book/ch03
Purpose: Contains source code for the examples presented in Chapter 3. These examples are intended to demonstrate the fundamentals of using COM and CORBA.


Directory: book/ch03/clients
Purpose: Contains source code for the COM and CORBA client applications presented in Chapter 3.

COM C++ Client

Directory: book/ch03/clients/com_cpp_client
Purpose: Demonstrates use of a COM server from a Visual C++/MFC client application.

COM Visual Basic Client

Directory: book/ch03/clients/com_vb_client
Purpose: Demonstrates use of a COM server from a Visual Basic client application.

CORBA C++ Client

Directory: book/ch03/clients/corba_cpp_client
Purpose: Demonstrates use of a CORBA server from a C++ client application. The client application uses Iona Orbix and IIOP to communicate with the CORBA server.

CORBA Java Client

Directory: book/ch03/clients/corba_java_client
Purpose: Demonstrates use of a CORBA server from a Java client application. The client application uses Inprise's VisiBroker for Java and IIOP to communicate with the CORBA server.


Directory: book/ch03/servers
Purpose: Contains source code for the COM and CORBA servers presented in Chapter 3.


Directory: book/ch03/servers/midl
Purpose: Contains a COM IDL and type library description of the COM server used in Chapter 3.


Directory: book/ch03/servers/idl
Purpose: Contains a CORBA IDL description of the CORBA server used in Chapter 3.

COM C++ Server

Directory: book/ch03/servers/com_cpp_server
Purpose: Provides the COM server that is used by the COM Visual C++ and Visual Basic clients in Chapter 3. The COM server is implemented using Visual C++ and ATL.

CORBA C++ Server

Directory: book/ch03/servers/corba_cpp_server
Purpose: Provides the CORBA server that is used by the CORBA C++ and Java clients in Chapter 3. The CORBA server is implemented using Visual C++ and Iona Orbix.

Chapter 6 Examples

Directory: book/ch06
Purpose: Contains source code for the examples presented in Chapter 6. These examples are intended to demonstrate essential services supporting transactions, security, and messaging.

MTS Example

Directory: book/ch06/mts_example
Purpose: Contains source code for COM MTS servers and a COM client that demonstrates the use of MTS to manage distributed transactions.

MTS Account Server

Directory: book/ch06/mts_example/account
Purpose: Provides a COM MTS server that implements an Account object that participates in an MTS distributed transaction. This server is implemented using Visual C++ and ATL.

MTS Teller Server

Directory: book/ch06/mts_example/teller
Purpose: Provides a COM MTS server that implements a Teller object that uses MTS to guarantee transfers between two accounts. This server is implemented using Visual C++ and ATL.

MTS Client

Directory: book/ch06/mts_example/client
Purpose: Demonstrates use of the MTS Teller server from a Visual Basic client application.

COM Security

Directory: book/ch06/com_security
Purpose: Contains source code for COM servers and clients that demonstrates the use of COM and MTS to manage security.

COM Secure Agent Server

Directory: book/ch06/com_security/com_agent
Purpose: Provides a COM server that demonstrates basic COM security constructs. This server is implemented using Visual C++ and ATL.

COM Secure Client

Directory: book/ch06/com_security/com_client
Purpose: Demonstrates use of basic COM security constructs from a Visual C++ client application.

MTS Secure Account Server

Directory: book/ch06/com_security/mts_secure_account
Purpose: Provides a COM MTS server that demonstrates the use of MTS security. This server is implemented using Visual Basic.

MTS Secure Client

Directory: book/ch06/com_security/mts_secure_client
Purpose: Demonstrates use of MTS security from a Visual Basic client application.

MSMQ Example

Directory: book/ch06/msmq_example
Purpose: Contains source code for two Visual Basic applications that communicate using MSMQ.

MSMQ Market Application

Directory: book/ch06/msmq_example/market
Purpose: Demonstrates use of MSMQ by simulating a simple market that processes orders from traders. Traders place orders in an MSMQ queue. After processing an order, the Market application places a response in a separate queue. The Market application is implemented using Visual Basic.

MSMQ Trader Application

Directory: book/ch06/msmq_example/trader
Purpose: Demonstrates use of MSMQ by simulating a simple trader that places orders in an MSMQ queue. The Trader application then waits for responses in a separate queue. The Trader application is implemented using Visual Basic.


Chapter 8 Examples

Directory: book/ch08
Purpose: Contains source code for the examples presented in Chapter 8. These examples are intended to demonstrate various COM interface approaches.

Automation Interface Approach

Directory: book/ch08/automation_interface_approach
Purpose: Contains source code for a COM automation server and client applications that use the automation server.

Visual J++ Server

Directory: book/ch08/automation_interface_approach/vjserver
Purpose: Provides a COM server that implements an automation interface.

Visual Basic Client

Directory: book/ch08/automation_interface_approach/vbclient
Purpose: Demonstrates use of a COM automation server from a Visual Basic client application.

Visual C++ Client

Directory: book/ch08/automation_interface_approach/vcclient
Purpose: Demonstrates use of a COM automation server from a Visual C++ client application.

Visual J++ Client

Directory: book/ch08/automation_interface_approach/vjclient
Purpose: Demonstrates use of a COM automation server from a Visual J++ client application.

Custom Interface Approach

Directory: book/ch08/custom_interface_approach
Purpose: Contains source code for a COM custom interface server and client applications that use the custom interface server.

Visual C++ Server

Directory: book/ch08/custom_interface_approach/vcserver
Purpose: Provides a COM server that implements a custom interface.

Visual Basic Client

Directory: book/ch08/custom_interface_approach/vbclient
Purpose: Demonstrates use of a COM custom interface server from a Visual Basic client application.

Visual C++ Client

Directory: book/ch08/custom_interface_approach/vcclient
Purpose: Demonstrates use of a COM custom interface server from a Visual C++ client application.

Visual J++ Client

Directory: book/ch08/custom_interface_approach/vjclient
Purpose: Demonstrates use of a COM custom interface server from a Visual J++ client application.

Dual Interface Approach

Directory: book/ch08/dual_interface_approach
Purpose: Contains source code for COM dual interface servers and client applications that use the dual interface servers.

Visual Basic Server

Directory: book/ch08/dual_interface_approach/vbserver
Purpose: Provides a COM server that implements a dual interface. Demonstrates the implementation of a dual interface server using Visual Basic.

Visual C++ Server

Directory: book/ch08/dual_interface_approach/vcserver
Purpose: Provides a COM server that implements a dual interface. Demonstrates the implementation of a dual interface server using Visual C++.

Visual J++ Server

Directory: book/ch08/dual_interface_approach/vjserver
Purpose: Provides a COM server that implements a dual interface. Demonstrates the implementation of a dual interface server using Visual J++.

Visual Basic Client

Directory: book/ch08/dual_interface_approach/vb_com_client
Purpose: Demonstrates use of COM dual interface servers from a Visual Basic client application.

Visual Basic Automation Client

Directory: book/ch08/dual_interface_approach/vb_automation_client
Purpose: Demonstrates use of COM dual interface servers from a Visual Basic client application. This Visual Basic client uses automation to communicate with the dual interface servers by declaring all COM references as type Object .

Visual C++ Client

Directory: book/ch08/dual_interface_approach/vcclient
Purpose: Demonstrates use of COM dual interface servers from a Visual C++ client application.

Visual J++ Client

Directory: book/ch08/dual_interface_approach/vjclient
Purpose: Demonstrates use of COM dual interface servers from a Visual J++ client application.


Chapter 9 Examples

Directory: book/ch09
Purpose: Contains source code for the examples presented in Chapter 9. These examples are intended to demonstrate use of COM and CORBA in Internet applications.


Directory: book/ch09/clients
Purpose: Contains source code for the COM and CORBA client applications presented in Chapter 9.

COM Active Server Pages Client

Directory: book/ch09/clients/com_asp_client
Purpose: Demonstrates use of a COM server from an Active Server Pages client application.

CORBA Java Applet

Directory: book/ch09/clients/corba_java_applet
Purpose: Demonstrates use of a CORBA server from a Java applet.


Directory: book/ch09/servers
Purpose: Contains source code for the COM and CORBA servers presented in Chapter 9.


Directory: book/ch09/servers/midl
Purpose: Contains a COM IDL description of the COM server used in Chapter 9.


Directory: book/ch09/servers/idl
Purpose: Contains a CORBA IDL description of the CORBA server used in Chapter 9.

COM Server

Directory: book/ch09/servers/com_server
Purpose: Provides the COM server that is used by the Active Server Pages client application. The COM server is implemented using Visual C++ and ATL.

CORBA Server

Directory: book/ch09/servers/corba_server
Purpose: Provides the CORBA server that is used by the Java applet. The CORBA server is implemented using Visual C++ and Iona Orbix.


Chapter 10 Examples

Directory: book/ch10
Purpose: Contains source code for the examples presented in Chapter 10. These examples are intended to demonstrate use of COM and CORBA in desktop and Internet applications. This includes use of a CORBA server from COM clients as well as a COM server from a CORBA client.


Directory: book/ch10/clients
Purpose: Contains source code for the COM and CORBA client applications presented in Chapter 10.

COM Active Server Pages Client

Directory: book/ch10/clients/com_asp
Purpose: Demonstrates use of a COM server and a CORBA server from an Active Server Pages client application.

COM Visual Basic Client

Directory: book/ch10/clients/com_vb
Purpose: Demonstrates use of a COM server and a CORBA server from a Visual Basic client application.

CORBA Java Applet

Directory: book/ch10/clients/corba_java_applet
Purpose: Demonstrates use of a COM server and a CORBA server from a Java applet.


Directory: book/ch10/servers
Purpose: Contains source code for the COM and CORBA servers presented in Chapter 10.


Directory: book/ch10/servers/midl
Purpose: Contains a COM IDL description of the COM server used in Chapter 10.


Directory: book/ch10/servers/idl
Purpose: Contains a CORBA IDL description of the CORBA server used in Chapter 10.

COM Customer Interface

Directory: book/ch10/servers/com_customer_interface
Purpose: Defines the COM customer interface used by the COM customer server, COM customer proxy, and COM-to-CORBA bridge components. A batch file is also defined that creates a proxy-stub DLL for the COM customer interface.

COM Customer Wrapper

Directory: book/ch10/servers/com_customer_wrapper
Purpose: Provides a lightweight wrapper (in-process DLL) that wraps any server that implements the COM customer interface. The wrapper is implemented using Visual Basic.

COM Customer Server

Directory: book/ch10/servers/com_customer_server
Purpose: Provides the COM server that is used by the ASP client, Visual Basic client, and Java applet. The COM server is implemented using Visual C++ and ATL.

COM Customer Proxy

Directory: book/ch10/servers/com_customer_proxy
Purpose: Provides the COM server that acts as a proxy to the COM customer server. The COM server is implemented using Visual C++ and ATL.

COM-to-CORBA Bridge

Directory: book/ch10/servers/com_to_corba_bridge
Purpose: Provides the COM server that acts as a bridge from COM clients to the CORBA customer server. The COM server is implemented using Visual C++, ATL, and Iona Orbix.

CORBA Customer Server

Directory: book/ch10/servers/corba_customer_server
Purpose: Provides the CORBA server that is used by the ASP client, Visual Basic client, and Java applet. The CORBA server is implemented using Visual C++ and Iona Orbix.

CORBA Customer Proxy

Directory: book/ch10/servers/corba_customer_proxy
Purpose: Provides the CORBA server that acts as a proxy to the CORBA customer server. The CORBA server is implemented using Visual C++ and Iona Orbix.

CORBA-to-COM Bridge

Directory: book/ch10/servers/corba_to_com_bridge
Purpose: Provides the CORBA server that acts as a bridge from CORBA clients to the COM customer server. The CORBA server is implemented using Visual C++ and Iona Orbix.


Chapter 11 Examples

Directory: book/ch11
Purpose: Contains source code for the examples presented in Chapter 11. These examples are intended to demonstrate custom COM/CORBA bridging approaches.


Directory: book/ch11/midl
Purpose: Contains a COM IDL and type library description of the COM server used in Chapter 11.


Directory: book/ch11/idl
Purpose: Contains a CORBA IDL description of the CORBA server used in Chapter 11.

COM Client

Directory: book/ch11/com_client
Purpose: Demonstrates use of a CORBA server from a Visual Basic client application.

COM-to-CORBA Bridge

Directory: book/ch11/com_to_corba_bridge
Purpose: Provides the COM server that acts as a bridge from COM clients to the CORBA server. The COM server is implemented using Microsoft's JVM and Sun Microsystems' Java IDL CORBA ORB.

CORBA Server

Directory: book/ch11/corba_server
Purpose: Provides the CORBA server that is used by the COM client in Chapter 11. The CORBA server is implemented using Visual C++ and Iona Orbix.


Chapter 12 Examples

Directory: book/ch12
Purpose: Contains source code for the examples presented in Chapter 12. These examples are intended to demonstrate use of a commercial COM/CORBA bridging product.

Bindings Generated by Commercial Bridging Product

Directory: book/ch12/bindings
Purpose: Contains COM bindings for a CORBA server and CORBA bindings for a COM server that were automatically generated by Visual Edge Software's ObjectBridge COM/CORBA Enterprise Client.

COM Client

Directory: book/ch12/com_client
Purpose: Demonstrates use of a CORBA server from a Visual Basic client application. The client relies on Visual Edge Software's ObjectBridge COM/CORBA Enterprise Client product.

CORBA Server

Directory: book/ch12/corba_server
Purpose: Provides the CORBA server that is used by the Visual Basic COM client application. The CORBA server is implemented using Visual C++ and Iona Orbix.


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Last modified: August 12, 2003