Chapter 10 Notes


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 COM and CORBA® Side by Side

Before you attempt to run the examples, make sure that you have properly configured your environment.

Click here for information related to the configuration that I used on my computers.

Click here for an overview of the Chapter 10 examples.

Warning: This example is fairly complex. Before attempting to build it, I recommend that you first read all of Chapter 10.

Building the Examples

To build the examples, run the _make.bat file in each of the following directories. Note that the order in which the examples are built is important.

bulletbook\ch10\clients\com_vb client

Throughout this page, we will refer to three different machines on which various applications will be run. They are:

bulletRemote Server - This is the machine where the actual COM and CORBA server will run.
bulletWeb Server - This machine will serve up web pages.
bulletClient - This machine will access the web server (and remote server in the case of the VB COM client).

On the remote server, do the following:

bulletInstall proxy-stub DLL (customerps.dll) on remote server using regsvr32.exe.

On the web server and client machine where VB client will run, do the following:

bulletInstall proxy-stub DLL (customerps.dll) on web server using regsvr32.exe.
bulletInstall com_customer_wrapper DLL on web server using regsvr32.exe. This wrapper DLL will be used by the ASP application on the web server.
bulletInstall the ProgID data onto the web server from the following file:

Configuring MTS

On the remote server, start the MTS Explorer (MMC) and do the following:

bulletCreate an MTS package named "Ch10" (the actual name can be of your own choosing).
bulletAdd com_customer_server dll to the Ch10 package.

On the web server, start the MTS Explorer (MMC) and do the following:

bulletCreate an MTS package named "Ch10" (the actual name can be of your own choosing).
bulletAdd com_customer_proxy dll to the Ch10 package.
bulletAdd com_to_corba_bridge dll to the Ch10 package.

Configuring IIS

On the web server, start the Internet Service Manager (MMC) and do the following:

bulletCreate a virtual directory under IIS.
bullet Add ASP files from the following directory to the virtual directory:
bulletbook\ch10\clients\com_asp client

Starting the CORBA Servers

On the remote server, manually start the CORBA server from the following directory:


On the web server, manually start the CORBA servers from the following directories:


Running the Examples

Before you attempt to try the Active Server Pages application, first try the VB application located in the following directory:

bulletbook\ch10\clients\com_vb client

Once you have run the test application and know that the COM server is working correctly, you can run the ASP application by using the appropriate URL from a web browser. For example:


To run the CORBA/Java client application, make sure that the following directory is accessible from your web server:


To run the CORBA/Java applet, type the appropriate URL into your web browser. For example:



bulletNote that the Java Plug-in is used to ensure support for Java IDL and Swing. You will need to ensure that the Java Plug-in is installed on the machine where you will run the web browser. Click here for more information on the Java Plug-in.
bulletTo simplify the examples, you will need network access to all of the IORs generated by the various CORBA servers so that you can cut and paste them into the client applications.
bulletWhenever the CORBA servers are restarted, the CustomerApplet.html file needs to be updated to reflect the newly generated IORs.


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Last modified: August 12, 2003