Chapter 3 Notes


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 COM and CORBAŽ Side by Side

Before you attempt to run the examples, make sure that you have properly configured your environment.

Click here for information related to the configuration that I used on my computers.

Click here for an overview of the Chapter 3 examples.

Building the Chapter 3 Examples

To build the Chapter 3 examples, run the _make.bat file in each of the following directories. Note that the order is important in that the COM server must be built (and registered) before the COM clients are built.

bullet book\ch03\servers\corba_cpp_server
bullet book\ch03\clients\com_cpp_client
bullet book\ch03\clients\com_vb_client
bullet book\ch03\clients\corba_cpp_client
bullet book\ch03\clients\corba_java_client

Running the Chapter 3 Examples

The CORBA server must be started manually. To start the server, execute the following:


After the CORBA server is started, an IOR will be generated and placed in the following file:


To run the client applications, execute the _run.bat file located in each client directory.

For the CORBA client applications, you will need to use the IOR from the ior.txt file.


bulletWhen running the COM C++ client, a server name must be provided before pressing 'Initialize' or the application will crash.
bulletNote that although I discuss the use of a proxy-stub DLL in the book, the example provided relies on type library marshaling.


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Last modified: August 12, 2003